Woodlot Services

Woodlot Management

A woodlot management plan is prepared by a Forest Technician in consultation with the landowner. The plan includes: Forest Stand Delineation, Maps, Ecosystem Land Classification, Stand descriptions and Management Recommendations.


Financial assistance for various silviculture treatments, including but not limited to, planting, thinnings and pre commercial thinnings.

Forestry Supervision

Qualified supervision of all forestry work. Property assessments for volume and value. Contract arrangements for all work at the woodlot owners option.

Forest Products

NNFO arranges for the marketing of all forest products from the woodlot. We attempt to maximize returns to the landowner by the best utilization of the timber.

Accurate records of what is harvested and all marketing transactions are maintained.

Culvert Retail

Polyethylene Culverts are available at North Nova for resale.

“Prices subject to change without notice. Please contact the office for confirmation.”

1st July 2022 Culverts:
12″ (300mm) 7.3 m (24 feet) length $255.00 + HST
15″ (400mm) 7.3 m (24 feet) length $390.00 + HST
18″ (450mm) 7.3 m (24 feet) length (Forestry Grade – 210 kpa) $570.00 + HST
18″ (450mm) 7.3 m (24 feet) length (DOT Grade – 320 kpa) $720.00 + HST
24″ (600mm) Forestry Grade 7.3 m (24 feet) length $840.00 + HST
24″ (600mm) DOT Grade 7.3 m (24 feet) length $1195.00 + HST

1st July 2022 Couplings:
12″ (300mm) $20.00 + HST
15″ (400mm) $25.00 + HST
18″ (450mm) $35.00 + HST
24″ (600mm) $70.00 + HST

Phone: 902-548-2400     Fax: 902-548-2401

**** The North Nova culvert compound is kept locked.****

Woodlot Map & GPS

Information and advice on legal and financial matters concerning woodlot management.

Access to current research and development information in the forest industry.

Access to current aerial photos, Provincial properties online and maps of woodlots in Cumberland and Colchester counties.

Access to Global Positioning Systems (GPS) technology.

Marketing Services

Markets are available through North Nova Forest Owners for all wood products such as:

Sawlogs, Studwood, Pulpwood, Hardwood, Poplar, Specialty Wood Products.

Please contact us for up to date pricing information.

North Nova Forest Owners Co-op Ltd
902-548-2400 (office)
902-548-2401 (fax)
[email protected]

Property Assessments

Property assessments are available for landowners at North Nova Forest Owners for a fee of $150.00 + HST. The assessments are prepared using mapping information available at North Nova and do not include a ground cruise.