About Us

What is North Nova

North Nova Forest Owners Co-Operative Ltd. (NNFO) is a Forest Management Co-op incorporated in 1976. NNFO is owned and directed by its shareholders who take advantage of its services.


The purpose of NNFO is to provide woodlot management and marketing services. The prime objective of the company is long term forest management. The services that the company provides makes it possible for woodlot owners to harvest mature timber and / or make improvements to their woodlots through various silviculture treatments.


Permanent staff includes a Manager – Greg Watson and Office Supervisor –Cathy Denton. NNFO is directed by a six member Board of Directors elected by the member shareholders at the Annual Meeting.

Our member shareholders have the advantage of being a part of a Cooperative that is owned and directed by its members. Each member has an equal opportunity to provide input into the direct policies of the Cooperative. The Cooperative is accountable to its members..

Landowner Obligations

Apply for membership in the Cooperative and sign the “Service Agreement” with NNFO.

Purchase one share in the Cooperative at a cost of $100.00 for every 200 hectares (500 acres) placed under forest management. Agreement to follow sound forestry and ecological practices.

Woodlot owners have the final right of refusal on all work recommended on their property.

Co-operative Obligations

Provide forest management services to the best of our ability to woodlot owners in Cumberland and Colchester Counties. Agree to follow sound forestry and ecological practices. Work diligently on behalf of our member landowners to provide a quality forest management service.


To continue to show steady growth in both membership and services. To maximize efficiency, effectiveness and productivity while continuing to provide a quality service. To promote the concept of forest management and sustainability through education, training and communication.

To develop and secure stable market opportunities for our members and the co-operative. To lobby government, industry and woodlot owners for long term commitment to forest improvement funding through the participation in the development of mutually beneficial stewardship agreements.